Vision:Next Young Leaders Fellowship

Do you want to make Vancouver a greener city? Advocate for more affordable housing and better transit? Learn more about city politics? Don't know where to start or how to get involved?


The Vision:Next Young Leaders Fellowship will bring together a group of Vancouverites aged 16-25 to build skills and expertise alongside the Vision Vancouver team. Successful applicants will join up to 10 young people who will meet with Vision Vancouver leadership, elected officials, and key volunteers in a focused networking and skill-building program.


Bi-weekly team meetings will introduce you to accomplished progressive organizers and local community leaders for discussion about current policy issues in Vancouver. Learn and demonstrate useful skills alongside campaign and party workers by organizing a flagship civic event with Vision Vancouver in Spring 2016. You'll finish the program with clear examples of your policy knowledge, event planning, communication, and fundraising skills and new relationships with progressive peers and local leaders.


Applicants must be residents of Greater Vancouver between the ages of 16 and 25. The program will primarily run from January to June 2016, with an orientation session in late 2015. If you have questions about the program or application process, email [email protected].


To apply, send the following to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday, November 13, 2015:

  • A headline about why you should be part of this program (up to 140 characters);
  • A short statement explaining your interest in the fellowship (up to 350 words);
  • and Contact information for two references.


Thanks for your interest in developing with Vision Vancouver. Good luck, applicants!

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