Join Cameron Zubko at Terminal City Club
Dear Friends,
Please join me for a Lunch Fundraiser at the prestigious Terminal City Club in support of my run for Vancouver Park Board. We have a lovely lunch planned- the event will feature the Indigo Education children's piano class who will play a few autumn-themed piano pieces. We will also be joined by the Vice-Chair of the Park Board, Catherine Evans.
Lunch Fundraiser at the Terminal City Club - Cameron Zubko for Park Board
When: 11:00am - 2:00 pm on Saturday, October 6, 2018
Where: Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings
Free lunch and entertainment, cash bar
* This event is open to the public, feel free to invite friends
* Parking is available at Impark on Cardova St, near Howe
This will be my last fundraiser before the election so now is the time to show your support! Thank you all my friends and supporters and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 6th.
Best regards,
Cameron Zubko
请参加本地著名会所Terminal City Club的筹款午餐,支持Cameron Zubko(朱凯明)竞选温哥华公园局委员。届时将有美食及文娱饷宾。Indigo Education的儿童钢琴班将表演几首以秋天为主题的曲目。此外,公园局副主席Catherine Evans也将出席。
Cameron Zubko假座Terminal City Club举办竞选筹款午餐会
地点:Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings
*可在Cordova Street靠近Howe Street的Impark停车场停车。
Cameron Zubko (朱凯明)敬
請參加本地著名會所Terminal City Club的籌款午餐,支持Cameron Zubko(朱凱明)競選溫哥華公園局委員。屆時將有美食及文娛餉賓。Indigo Education的兒童鋼琴班將表演幾首以秋天為主題的曲目。此外,公園局副主席Catherine Evans也將出席。
Cameron Zubko假座Terminal City Club舉辦競選籌款午餐會
地點:Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings
*可在Cordova Street靠近Howe Street的Impark停車場停車。
Cameron Zubko (朱凱明)敬上